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Advent 2015

Adoration of the Magi by van Loo

Advent is here again! Sunday, November 29 officially begins the Advent season (the fourth Sunday before Christmas day). If you don’t know what Advent is or its history, read last year’s introductory blog post. Advent means “coming” because this is the time of year when we wait for, prepare for, and celebrate Christ’s first coming and long for and hope for His second coming. While last year I focused on the characters of the nativity story, such as Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child, this year I want to focus on …

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Advent: Birthday

It is today that we celebrate Jesus’ birthday as our Savior. Jesus’ name in Hebrew (Yeshua) means “God saves.” The other name given to him at birth, Immanuel, means “God with us.” Both are fitting. We today celebrate the birth of the God-man who saves us from our sins and is with us always and forever.

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Advent: Comings

Advent is a celebration of comings—of Christ’s comings. For the past 4 weeks we’ve been anticipating and celebrating the story of Christ’s First Coming. In this story we’ve explored what we are calling the First Act of God’s Story. This act includes the first two major plot movements—the events of Creation (the beginning) and the Fall (the conflict). We’ve seen God take the initiative in Creation, bringing the universe into existence. And in the Fall, Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God and thereby they reordered the universe’s operation. And God …

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