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Frozen: Unfreezing Hearts and Opening Doors

Elsa From Disney's Frozen

Who wouldn’t like a movie with two princess for the price of one, a talking snowman, and a song like “Let it Go.” It appears everyone does, because the movie is the highest grossing animated film of all time now. I found the movie Frozen (2013) to be entertaining and more mature than most Disney princess movies. Fun fact: Elsa is the only Disney princess who isn’t a teenager. This may be a reason for why the film’s themes are more mature. I especially liked the twin themes of frozen hearts and closed doors.

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Contacting the Meaning of it All

Contact Movie Poster

One of my mom’s favorite movies is Contact (1997). So I’ve seen it many times. And we’ve discussed it a lot. The movie is an adaptation of a novel by Carl Sagan, known for believing in and researching extraterrestrial life. For Sagan, the idea of aliens replaces the idea of God, in the sense that there is some other benevolent and powerful being out there that is watching us, who cares for us, and will save us.

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